Keynote Lectures
Keynote: Modeling business relationships
by Nicola Guarino, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione, Rome, Italy
Enterprise modeling requires, of course, to pay attention to different kinds of business relationships. In many cases, we really need to talk of such relationships, for instance where the contractual conditions that regulate them evolve in time, or when such conditions are violated. In terms of conceptual modeling, this means that relationships need to be reified, that is, they need to be put in the domain of discourse. In this talk, I will first introduce the ontological basis of relationships reification, according to which relationships are seen as truthmakers of relations. I will then discuss two actual case studies, concerning respectively the core relations used to model economic transactions in the REA ontology, and the relations within a complex service system.
Brief Bio:
Nicola Guarino, research director at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), works at the nation-wide Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC-CNR), leading the Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA) located in Trento. A graduate in electronic engineering at Padua university in 1978, since 1991 has been playing a leading role in the ontology field, developing a strongly interdisciplinary approach that combines together Computer Science, Philosophy, and Linguistics. His impact is testified by a long list of widely cited papers and many keynote talks and tutorials in major conferences involving different communities. Among the most well known results of his lab, the OntoClean methodology and the DOLCE foundational ontology. Current research interests include service science, socio-technical systems, and e-government. He is founder and former editor-in-chief (with Mark Musen of Stanford University) of Applied Ontology, founder and past president of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications, former general chair of the international conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS), editorial board member of Journal of Data Semantics, and editor of the IOS Press book series Frontiers in AI and Applications. He is also fellow of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI).
Keynote: Chapters from Harmonising Enterprise and Software Engineering
by Robert Pergl, Faculty of Information Technologies of Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Robert Pergl discusses the role of conceptualisation for harmonising software engineering in the context of enterprise engineering. The talk is based on the research and work done in the Centre of Conceptual Modelling and Implementation (CCMi) at the Department of Software Engineering since its foundation by the speaker in 2012. Robert presents achievements in the fields of methodological studies and improvements, tools development and other applications.
Brief Bio:
Dr. Robert Pergl is an Associate Professor at Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Information Technologies of Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, where he founded “Centre for Conceptual Modelling and Implementation”, a group focusing on research, development and applications of methods and tools for ontological engineering, enterprise engineering, software engineering and data stewardship. Apart from his publishing work, Dr. Pergl is also a General Chair of EOMAS Workshop, a representative in the CIAO! Enterprise Engineering Network and National Node Committee member of ELIXIR Czech Republic.
Emeritus Keynote: Enterprise Engineering, its past, present and future. A personal view of a believer.
by José Tribolet Distinguished Full Professor of IST, University of Lisbon
In this “Emeritus Keynote” I will lay out my vision on the future of Enterprise Engineering as an independent, bona fide, scientific and technical discipline and its use by practitioners in diverse fields.
I will assess the legacy provided by the past to the present state of the art and address the strategic challenges humanity faces today and in the near future and where EE may provide fundamental insights, tools and methodologies to address them properly.
José Tribolet is a Distinguished Full Professor of Information Systems at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DEI) and at the Department of Engineering and Management (DEG) (Joint Appointment) at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal. He is senior researcher at the Information and Decision Support Systems Group at INESC-ID. He is in the Board of Directors of Técnico+ ( and is the coordinator of several of its Professional Post-Graduation courses.
His main academic interests are in Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Engineering, Enterprise Governance and Enterprise Transformation, Since 2000 he has completed with success the supervision of ten Ph.D. students in Enterprise Engineering.
Dr. Tribolet holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT (1977). He was a member of the research staff of Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, from 1977 through 1979. He spent a full sabbatical year (1997-98) at MIT´s Sloan School ofManagement. He was a guest professor at IWI – the Institute for Information Management of the University of St. Gallen, in Switzerland,during the spring term of 2012.
He founded in 1980 the first non-state owned research institute in Portugal, INESC, Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering. INESC is today a holding of six research institutes nationwide, three of them having become formal Associated Laboratories of the Portuguese Science System. Dr. Tribolet is the President of INESC. He has been Chairman of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (4 years, 1984-1987) and Chairman (6 years, 2002-2003, 2013-2016) and Vice-President for Post-Graduate Studies of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of IST. He is a founding member of the Portuguese Engineering Academy and a founder of the Informatics Engineering College of the Portuguese Engineers Professional Association.
Dr. Tribolet has been playing an active international role in the development of the area of Enterprise Engineering: he founded and co-chaired the track on “Organizational Engineering” at ACM´s SAC Conferences from 2004 through 2009; he founded and co-chaired the new track on Enterprise Engineering, at the 2007 European Information Systems Conference. He has created, the new track on Enterprise Engineering, at HICSS Conference, starting in 2010. He plays a leading role in the CIAO! Network. He was the General Chairman of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Business Informatics. He his co-editor of the Springer Enterprise Engineering book series. He was until December 2016 an associate editor of BISE – the Business and Information Systems Engineering Journal. He has been General Chairman of the EEWC Conference in 2014 (Funchal, Portugal) and in 2019 (Lisbon, Portugal)
Dr. Tribolet is the CEO of Transformer, Lda, a professional services company that provides executive counseling on Enterprise Architecture, Engineering, Governance and Transformation actively advising, personally, top executives on matters involving Enterprise Information Systems, Architecture, Engineering, Governance, Strategy, Alignment, Transformation and Knowledge Management aspects.
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