CIAO! Enterprise Engineering Network

Program and Venue

Details about the venue can be found here.

A google spreadsheet with all times and events is available here.

A PDF file with the program distributed on the conference bag, including time schedule for each day and maps is available here.

See titles of papers and presenters (both Doctoral Consortium and Conference) below the table. Click on the links for details regarding titles, abstracts and short bios of the speakers in the keynotes, invited talks and case presentations.

Program Overview

Monday June 15 Tuesday June 16 Wednesday June 17 Thursday June 18 Friday June 19
Morning Coffee & DC Registration Coffee Coffee Coffee
DC Session 1 Coffee & Registration Paper Session 3 Invited Case Presentations CIAO! Research Discussion Sessions on EE-theories
Coffee Break Conference Opening Session
DC Session 2 Main Keynote Coffee break
Coffee break Coffee break Paper Session 4 Coffee break Coffee break
DC Session 3 Paper Session 1 CIAO! Research Discussion Sessions on EE-theories CIAO! Research Discussion Sessions on EE-theories
General discussion and working session
Lunch break
DC Session 4 Paper Session 2 Industrial Track Keynote CIAO! Research Discussion Sessions on EE-theories CIAO! Research Discussion Sessions on EE-theories



Coffee break
Industrial Track Talks
Coffee break Coffee break Break Farewell
DC Session 5 General discussion and working session CIAO! Board Meeting (16h30-18h30)
Break Conference Closing Session
DC Session 6
Evening  Break Social Program: Prague Tour and Conference Main Dinner
EEWC Welcome Drink Break
CIAO! VIP Dinner (CIAO! Board members only) – 19h00
DC Dinner

List of accepted papers and Paper Sessions

The presentation slides used by the authors to present the papers are available here.

Session 1 – On business process management, simulation and analysis

  • Richard Braun and Werner EssweinTowards Multi-Perspective Modeling with BPMN
  • Artur Caetano, Miguel Mira Da Silva, Carlos Mendes, José and Pedro PintoAnalysis of Business Processes with Enterprise Ontology and Process Mining
  • Yang Liu and Junichi IijimaA Case Study of Business Process Simulation in the Context of Enterprise Engineering

Session 2 – On complexity, transformation and modeling

  • Jannis Beese, Stephan Aier and Robert WinterOn the role of complexity for guiding enterprise transformations
  • Monika Kaczmarek, Alexander Bock and Michael HeßOn the Explanatory Capabilities of Enterprise Modeling Approaches
  • Athanasios PodarasA Non-Arbitrary Method for Estimating IT Business Function Recovery Complexity via Software Complexity

Session 3 – On enterprise engineering and DEMO

  • Emmy Dudok, Sérgio Guerreiro, Eduard Babkin, Robert Pergl and van KervelEnterprise Operational Analysis using DEMO and the Enterprise Operating System
  • Sérgio GuerreiroEngineering the decision-making process using multiple Markov theories and DEMO

Session 4 – On enterprise engineering and DEMO

  • Alexey Sergeev and Eduard BabkinTowards Competence-based Enterprise Restructuring Using Ontologies
  • Marne de Vries, Aurona Gerber and Alta van der MerweThe Enterprise Engineering Domain

List of Doctoral Consortium accepted papers

The final papers from the students that can be read and will be one of the basis for discussion are available in PDF format here. The presentations are available here.

The number corresponds to the session and after the names of the students and promoters, one can find the current title of the thesis and the abstract.

1. Jos Geskus (Promoters: Jan Verelest and Jan Dietz). Research Proposal Development of an IT Audit Design Toolbox based on Enterprise Engineering principles

The focus of this dissertation is on audits on Information Technology (IT). The significance of information and IT is all around us in every aspect of business and public life. The need to drive more value from IT investments and manage an increasing array of IT-related risks has never been higher. According to Hardy, business executives and managers realise that IT does not exist on its own; it is an integral and key part of business change and business process. As sponsors and users, they are taking ownership and making organisational changes to create a more effective structure for overseeing and monitoring ITrelated goals and issues.


2. Alexey Sergeev (Promoter: José Tribolet). Towards Research on Enterprise Operating System

In this paper, we introduce the term “enterprise operating system” as the essential component of enterprise which supports its viability. We further explain its notion, and investigate its relevance for the enterprise. We consider enterprise to be a viable system, therefore, enterprise operating system should correspond with the viable system model.


3. Duarte Gouveia (Promoter: David Aveiro). Tell & Agree for DEMO Transactions

We analyzed the two existing implementations of DEMO transaction pattern (“Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations”), because of the difficulties we found while trying to implement that pattern in a software artifact. We found that those implementations don’t fully comply with the requirements of the DEMO transaction pattern, also due to implementation difficulties. In this work we present two solutions for this problem. The first one is a state machine that uses a shared-memory model, like the existing implementations, but that fully complies with DEMO transactions theory. The second solutions is a message-based protocol, called Tell & Agree, that addresses currently existing limitations in this pattern, like the number of participants being limited to two, the role/act constraints for the initiator/executor and the requisite of full details for the transaction provided in the request. This second solution uses two-phase commits, is based on state charts and splits the current DEMO transaction into it’s three constitutive phases: ordering, execution and result. This solution increases DEMO flexibility and modeling power. We believe that these adaptations move DEMO transactions closer to Habermas “ideal speech situation”.


4. Ondrej Dvorak (Promoter: Robert Pergl). Applying EE Theories to Component-Based Software Design and Development

Component-Based Software Development is a promise that was made in 1968 during the NATO symposium, where “software engineering” term is said to have originated. Since then, the ideal state of software development as an engineering discipline is “assembling instead of programming”. However, even today, we seem to be quite far from this ideal. The EE theories deal with function and construction of an enterprise in an implementation-independent way. Our hypothesis is that the theories may be successfully applied for the software engineering domain to improve component-based design.


5. Pedro Valente (Promoters: David Aveiro and Nuno Nunes). Bridging EE and SE: The Goals Approach

Organizations still struggle to maintain and develop their software patrimony, the tool that usually makes the difference in the organization’s activity among its market competitors towards survival and consequent desired contribution to the society, something which nowadays is particularly important for those which activities’ heavily rely on information. The information systems that support the tasks that it’s collaborators need to carry out in order to attain the desired products to satisfy its customer’s needs, will usually and preferably be Interactive Information Systems (IISs) that provide high performance tools by means of sophisticated Interaction Spaces (IS) that properly raise the meaning of tasks (efficiency) towards its completeness (effectiveness) and improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational production process, and therefore, raise the overall organizational welfare. Goals is an approach that aims at bridging the managing Enterprise Engineering (EE) and the supporting Software Engineering (SE) domains of an organization by means of a conceptual structure that allows an increased awareness of each Software Implementation Decision (SID) implication over the IIS’s architecture (Interaction Spaces (ISs), Business Rules (BRs) and Data Entities (DEs)), to enable the study of related Software Development Effort (SDE) following Business Process Improvements (BPIs) (i.e. Business Process (BP) and/or User Tasks (UT) improvements) by focusing on obtaining increased Return of the Investment (ROI) in each iteration, as a way to attain the objective of producing a reliable Software Effort Estimation (SEE) method that fits the industry. Ultimately, we believe that a change of paradigm in the way that IISs are managed and understood within organizations can result in more feasible and adequate software projects according to the organization’s capabilities, to eventually raise project success (from a precarious 30%) or at least avoid financially catastrophic situations.


6. Els Vanhoof (Promoter: Walter Aerts). Design Science Applications for Evolvable Accounting Information Systems
Companies need to report financial information to different stakeholders, using multiple generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Their Accounting Information System (AIS) needs to be able to comply with these GAAP. Since GAAP change frequently, the AIS needs to be evolvable. We use Normalized Systems Theory (NST) to adhere to the evolvability criterion. Our contribution to the problem of designing an evolvable AIS that supports multiple GAAP consists of three design cycles in which we use a mixed method approach of design science and case studies. First, we identify combinatorial effects (violations of NST) in existing AIS (from case studies). To prevent these combinatorial effects, guidelines are designed in the second cycle. In the third cycle we build a prototype that serves as proof-of-concept for the developed guidelines. This study addresses the lack of domain specific guidelines to design an AIS and is the first evolvability study in AIS literature.

CIAO! EE-theories

The latest versions of the EE-theories presented/discussed in Thursday and Friday are available here. The presentation slides are available here.